Like Something the Lord Made

Walter is out of surgery, and everything has gone better by leaps and bounds, than what we imagined was medically possible.

Surgery lasted only about four hours and Dr. Starnes was able to accomplish what others had said could not be done: preserve Walter’s pulmonary valve and complete a full repair without using a conduit. This is HUGE for Walter’s future:

1. With his own valve intact we are cautiously optimistic that Walter will not be needing future planned open heart surgeries, and that his valve will continue to grow (though small) enough that he never needs a valve replacement.

2. With ever improving technology any future adjustments or minor corrections Walter may need will hopefully be able to be done via catheter without having to go on ECMO/bypass and cracking open that adorable chest of his.

3. The patches on Walter’s ASD and VSD (holes) were successfully placed, as was the transannular patch over the pulmonary artery and valve, and his hypertrophied (thickened)right ventricle was thinned. Oh be joyful!

4. He looks AMAZING! Saturating at 100% and warm with beautiful pink color, this guy is looking like 4 days post op at just a few hours.

We’re not out of the woods, but things are really feeling upbeat over here. We knew it was a good day when Walter said goodbye to us before surgery with lots of sloppy, slobbery sweet kisses.

Right now we’re working on getting him off his vent and breathing on his own, chest tubes and pacer wires out, and maintain stability and comfort.

We are still in awe of Dr. Starnes and his team. His finesse, skill, and ingenuity in complicated non-standard situations has truly been guided by the hands of God…this repair is “like something the Lord made”.


34 thoughts on “Like Something the Lord Made

  1. Oh Walter! Even as I rejoice with your family over how God has blessed you today, seeing your little self there made me cry tears of joy at what a miracle you are and the reality of the presence of God, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. All for you. Thank you, Jesus! Much love!


  2. Stops my heart at first blush to see him hooked up to every device in the hospital, but next come the thoughts of what a miracle he is. He’s even adorable with all the tubes! Look at that dimple in his chin, more prominent than that manly incision!!!! What solace we have in God’s grace, and how much He loves our little children! #badvalvesbegone, #Godlovesyou, #Godhasplansforthislad, #theprayersarestillcoming.
    Hugs to you two, and Wally as soon as you can hold him!!!


  3. For me to be Blessed is to be Humbly Grateful to God.
    I deserve nothing.
    Perfection is for God and Heaven.
    I don’t deserve it but I am humbly grateful for my imperfect life, my imperfect family, and my imperfect friends.
    And mostly right now I am humbly grateful for my perfectly imperfect Walter David; humble am I to have one more day with him…Thank You.
    Yes, “Like, Something The Lord Made”
    ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD! HE put the right doctor and assistance in the right place at the right time. We are praising God for your miracle, speedy recovery and blessings.


  5. …last but not least….
    …and Grateful for Dr. Starnes and Team!
    Thank you God for guiding their hands and decisions.


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