Wally Awaits “Woolies for the Winter”


WDK13mos1The parched and dingy grass which plagues our yard is indicative of the hot drought we were privy to this summer.  But our blue skies and 75 degree days in late November ring true of our very own California Christmas. Don’t be fooled by our daytime, because the winter wind, cool crisps, and frosty nights still have an air about them uniquely their own.


The days, however, have still lent themselves to abounding outdoor time and exploration for our little Walt. With his mended heart and seldom ending energy, outdoor exertion has become a daily necessity. He’s been growing heartily, and with new-found vitality, leading the rambunctious little life we’ve always dreamed for him.


The outdoors still require their own routines, even in our docile weather: a sock here, a shoe there, and a coat for all occasions. And then, when it comes time to rest, or sit, or muse, a book is often best.

We have all kinds of books: grand, petite, and in between. Piles, and piles, and most with varying degrees of literature value, or lessons to be learned.  I often find myself pushing on to him some of our most beloved classics: “Guess How Much I Love You”, “The Runaway Bunny”, “Make Way for Ducklings”, “Curious George”, and many, many more.  But even with these, I find a void of newer books with enchanting images and characters, complete with a darling story, and wonderful words. Too often one of these components is greatly lacking – and even more often, when the combination is just right, the books are not available in board books. Perhaps Walter’s favorite part of story time is pointing out the characters, and turning the page – all thing he just can’t do with a traditionally printed book if we wish it to stay intact.

For these reasons, and many more, it is my pleasure to share with you Wandeling Press. Two lovely women, mothers, and friends of mine from Hillsdale College have combined their talents to form this unique Publishing House. Pre-Orders (and Kickstarter campaign) for their first children’s book, ‘Woolies for the Winter” launched just yesterday.

If you have children, love children, or merely hold a youthful heart with an affinity for word and wise, I ask that you consider “wandeling” along the road where classicism meets the whimsy of today.

There is just so much for to say on this wonderful endeavor Laura Kern and Betsy Howard are beginning, but truly, they say it best themselves. Watch the enchanting video they put together explaining their vision, and their work so far – if anything, it will delight your day, and inspire a desire to fill your child’s life with word, rhyme, and color.

Click here to view the Wandeling Press Kickstarter Campaign

Click here to visit the Wandeling Press website

2 thoughts on “Wally Awaits “Woolies for the Winter”

  1. Walter David is a bundle of joy, energy, love, and just the greatest baby in the whole wide world….being his Granny I can say things like that. My cup runneth over with Love and Gratitude.
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone….if you have 1/10th of the love, joy and gratitude that I have then you will have a Thankful Thanksgiving like we will be having when we celebrate with Frances, Dan, and Wally!
    ❤ ❤ ❤


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